Doll Hunting in Geneva, Switzerland – King Jouet, Coop City, Franz Carl Weber

Yesterday I went on a doll hunt! I’ve been to three stores: King Jouet and Coop City in Meyrin and Franz Carl Weber located in Balexert. I was particularly looking for new Ever After High dolls and Once Upon a Zombie dolls. Check out what I’ve found!

King Jouet (Meyrin)

There was a massive amount of Barbies at this store, but there wasn’t a single Ever After High doll. I was happy because I’ve finally found Once Upon a Zombie dolls! Unfortunately they didn’t have Zombie Belle, which is the one I want the most. Now I have a dilemma whether to buy Zombie Rapunzel instead or keep looking for Belle.

Novi Stars and Bratz were on sale -50%!

Check out this amazing carriage with a Bloom doll! I’ve never seen it before and I think it’s awesome.

Coop City (Meyrin)

This is the place where you can still get original releases of basic Apple, Raven, Madeline, Blondie and Cerise. It was the first time I’ve seen basic Cerise Hood in a store (I’ve got my Cerise online). They have also many Monster High dolls, not only from the fairly new lines, but some older dolls too. 

Surprisingly I’ve found Tsum Tsums! There were only basic characters though.

Franz Carl Weber (Balexert)

There were no Ever After High dolls in this store, but they had almost all currently available Monster High dolls and many Barbies. I really liked the Barbie Style Resort dolls.

I didn’t get anything yesterday but I am still thinking about Once Upon a Zombie Rapunzel. I am trying to limit myself because recently I ordered many dolls online and I am still waiting for them to arrive.

What’s currently in your stores? Have you found some new dolls already, especially Boo York Boo York and new Ever After High characters?


  • Reply
    21 May 2015 at 12:34

    O mój stworze! Once Upon a Zombie!!!! Chcę Bellę z tej serii, ale ceny tych lalek są koszmarne. W jakiej to było walucie to 39,99.
    Zastanawiam się też czy sie nie wstrzymać i zobaczyć jak będzie wyglądała Pocahontas, bo może będzie jeszcze ładniejsza.

    • Reply
      21 May 2015 at 12:42

      W Szwajcarii OUAZ kosztują 39.90 CHF czyli ok 160 zł, ale słyszałam, że we Francji można je dostać za 19.90 EUR czyli ok 80 zł i dlatego planuję niedługo podjechać do jakiegoś francuskiego sklepu z zabawkami 😉
      OUAZ teraz zmienia formy głów lalek, więc te, które wypuścili do tej pory w pewnym sensie są już limitowanymi edycjami, bo nowe będą trochę inaczej wyglądać.

    • Reply
      21 May 2015 at 14:03

      To jak będziesz wybierać się do Francji to daj znać, może zamówię u Ciebie lalkę 😀

    • Reply
      21 May 2015 at 14:13

      OK, będę o Tobie pamiętać! 🙂

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